Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembrance/Veterans Day and the Torn Curtain

"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
The earth shook, and the rocks split…"
Matthew 27:50-51

Death is never an easy discussion point.  And dealing with the death of a loved one is by far one of the hardest parts of being human.  Whether an expected death or a sudden taking of those we love, when someone passes away, our world is shaken.

Remembrance Day or Veterans Day is a time to reflect on those who gave up their own lives to make our world safe and free.  Thousands upon thousands died to grant us freedom, and this very day more continue to sacrifice their lives to maintain this much-needed freedom.   

For thousands upon thousands of family members and loved ones, their world was shaken when the horrible message was received.

In ancient Jewish tradition, there was a powerful reaction to news of death of a family member.  For ancient Jews, when a relative died, they tore their robes.  The grim reality of life without this person caused a powerful reaction – the emotional tearing of their clothes.

When Jesus died after his execution on the cross, we do not know if his disciples tore their robes.  We do not know if his mother Mary or brother James tore their garments with the despair that this beloved man had died.

But we do know that God did.  God tore his robe, and God’s world was shaken when Jesus died…

The Gospel writer Matthew describes God’s powerful response to his only Son’s death:  “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.  The earth shook, and the rocks split…”

God tore his robe, and God’s world was shaken when Jesus died.

The curtain of the temple tore.  The curtain of the Jewish temple was the curtain of the "Holy of Holies" -- the place that God himself dwelt with his people.  And it was this curtain, God's "robe," that tore.  And the earth shook and rocks split.  God was grieving.  God tore his robes.  God's world was shaken.  God's Son had died. It was finished.

 Let us not forget the sacrifice...

Remembrance Day and Veterans Day are opportunities to stop and reflect on the sacrifice made by an immeasurable amount of men and women to give us the life we have today.  Every day we are blessed to live in such amazing freedom because of those who stepped up to put a stop to horrors of sinful people.  We grieve the lives lost, and we grieve with the families of these people who had to receive unbearable news...

And God grieves too.  Just like Jesus wept for his friend (John 11), and just as God grieved his Son's death, God grieves the lives lost and the sad state humanity put itself into.

On this day, let us not forget the sacrifice of those who gave of themselves for our freedom.    
 And let us also not forget the ultimate sacrifice the Son of God gave for our eternal freedom, and the God who tore his robe and grieved for his Son who died to save us all.  

"Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
'Finished!' the victory cry.
This, the power of the cross:
Son of God, slain for us 
What a love!  What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross."
~Keith Getty, Stuart Townend


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